Tuesday 8 October 2013

Golden Jubilee State Rally Activities – Guidelines & areas of assessment

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Bharat Scouts and Guides

Golden Jubilee State Rally of KVS BS&G


Rally Activities – Guidelines & areas of assessment

1.     Colour Party – (Either Scouts or Guides or Combined)

Each Contingent will participate in Colour Party display consisting of five members. The competition will be held in the evening of 26.11.2013 and winning team will be given the chance to lead the Rally March Past. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Uniform and smartness

b)   Flag carrying and marching

c)    Leadership and commands at the saluting dais

d)   Flag break procedure

2.    March Past:- (All Scouts and Guides)

Each contingent led by Colour Party will participate in the March Past in threes. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Leadership

b)   Commands

c)    Uniform & Smartness

d)   Marching to the tunes of the band

3.    Gate making:- (Combined)

Each contingent will prepare a Gate in front of its activity tent.  It should be made of bamboos, wooden poles and staves etc. No polythene, flex or other synthetic material be used. Only name of the Division may be on Flex banner. Other natural materials may also be used. Total time given will be 6-8 hrs which will be decided by the central team officials. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Idea and Theme

b)   Scouting Skills

c)    Originality

d)   Overall effect

4.    Pioneering Project:- (Combined)

Each contingent will participate in pioneering project competition by making a big & preferably working pioneering project. It should be made of bamboos, wooden poles, staves, Pulleys, holdfast and other pioneering material etc. Total time given will be 6-8 hrs which will be decided by the central team officials. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Usefulness

b)   Correctness & clarity of knots and lashing (Scouting Skill)

c)    Size of the project

d)   Overall effect

5.    Group Song:- (Either Scouts or Guides or Combined)

Each contingent will participate in Group Song competition. Only Patriotic, Folk or Community songs in any Indian language may be sung. Film songs, music cassette and CDs are not allowed. Each contingent will be given maximum 05 minutes including stage setting. Total number of participants on the stage should not be more than 10. Adult leaders can provide background music but they can’t sing along with S/G. Musical instruments will be made available only for the competition. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Theme

b)   Tune

c)    Melody

d)   Synchronisation

6.    Group Dance:- (Either Scouts or Guides or Combined)

Each contingent will participate in Group Dance competition. The dance should belong to the culture of the state(s) of participating contingent. Film songs, music cassette and CDs are not allowed.  Each contingent will be given maximum 05 minutes including stage setting. Total number of participants on the stage should not be more than 10. Adult leaders can provide background music. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Cultural originality

b)   Costume and make up

c)    Melody of the song and music

d)   Synchronisation

7.    Exhibition:- (Combined)

Each contingent will arrange an exhibition in the activity tent of the respective region. Articles made in Skill-O-Rama or the work done by scouts and Guides using scouting skills can be displayed. These may include- Drawings and paintings, handicraft items made by S/G. Readymade articles purchased from the market will not be allowed to be put up in the exhibition. Total time given, to set up the exhibition, will be around 04 hrs. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Theme

b)   Material on display

c)    Arrangement and cleanliness

d)   Overall effect

8.    Skill – O – Rama:- (Combined)

Each contingent will field 04 Scouts and 04 Guides to participate in this event. Demonstration of skills in handicrafts making, drawing & painting and clay modelling etc. will be on the test.  Participants will have to bring their own material (such as colour paper, thread, decorative material, modelling clay, drawing & painting materials, beads etc.) for the competition. For this competition 02 hrs time will be allotted. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Knowledge of skills

b)   Usefulness of the article prepared

c)    Neatness

d)   Presentation and explanation

9.    Elocution:- (Separate Hindi & English language)

Each division will participate in elocution on the RALLY theme – one in Hindi and another one in English. Each contingent will be represented by one Scout and one Guide. The total time allowed to each participant will be 03 minutes. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Content

b)   Presentation

c)    Pronunciation

d)   Overall Effect

10.  Quiz (Combined):-

Each contingent will participate in quiz competition by sending 02 (S) & 02 (G). A written test, based on Scouting for boys, will be conducted and four teams which score highest will be allowed to play quiz. The team scoring maximum marks will be declared winner. Questions will be chiefly from ‘Scouting for the Boys’ and scouting skills from Pravesh to Rastrapati Award S/G.

11.  Camp Craft:- (Combined)

Each contingent will participate in this competition by making gadgets with the help of staves, bamboos and rope etc using scouting skills. Every day at least two new gadgets should be added to the list. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Correctness of Knots and lashings

b)   Usefulness

c)    Clarity and neatness of the gadget

d)   Numbers of gadgets

12.  First Aid:- (Combined)

Each contingent will participate in this competition by fielding 06 participants (03 Scouts + 03 Guides). The Knowledge & skills up to Rashtrapati Award S/G level will be judged in this competition. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Practical Knowledge

b)   Quickness

c)    Neatness & perfection

d)   Equipment / First Aid Box

13.  Physical Display :- (Combined)

Each contingent will display Physical activities with (such as) Dumbbells, Lezim, Ribbon, Rings, and Aerobics etc. Minimum 24 (12 G + 12 S) participants and Maximum 32 (16S + 16G) participants will be allowed. The adult leaders can play Drum etc. Music CD/Cassette can also be played for background music. Total Time allotted is 05 minutes including assembly in the arena. Contingents may display combination of exercises. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Quickness / Assembly

b)   Exercise

c)    Synchronisation with equipment

d)   Time

14.  Food Plaza:- (Combined)

Each contingent will participate in this event by fielding maximum 10 participants. Participants will be required to prepare food items of the state(s) in which their KVS Division lies. Each contingent will prepare at least 05 dishes. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Originality

b)   Taste

c)    Presentation

d)   Number of dishes


15.  Pageant Show:- (Combined)

Each division will participate in the Pageant show competition depicting culture and historical aspects of the region (state). Only one person from the contingent will be allowed to give commentary. Only 02 minutes time will be given in front of the Chief Guest’s dais/stage to present the show.  The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Theme

b)   Originality

c)    Costume, makeup and liveliness

d)   Overall effect

16.  Campfire:- (Combined)

Each division will present one programme. Only group items will be allowed to be performed. Film songs, music cassette and CDs are not allowed. The following points will be observed for the assessment-

a)    Theme

b)   Costume and Makeup

c)    Presentation

d)   Overall effect





1 comment:

  1. this seems to be very intresting if i would get selected from my school then i will give away any thing to become a part of this rally i love scout and guide a lot most exciting is this.......................
