Tuesday 6 August 2013

Suggestive Monthly plan for Rashtrapathi Scout Award

Duration and Log Book
Certificate issued by
1.       Work for Ambulance Man Proficiency Badge
2.       Teach Games for younger children
*1-2 months
Log Book as per Syllabus in APRO II
Photos/Drawings to be pasted at relevant places
Signature of Badge Examiner and Scoutmaster
15 days – local children
maintain log book of children’s names, DOB, Father’s name, games taught etc.
Sgin by Scoutmaster, Group Leader and Locality Head.
Doctor/St. Johns Ambulance Association/ First Aider with Valid License.
Locality secretary
COH certificate for Beginning and Ending the Proficiency Badge
COH certificate for Beginning and Ending the Proficiency Badge
Camping with another scout
Atleast 3 nights
Log to be maintained separately recording the daily routine. Relevant Photos to be pasted.
Signature of SM & Group Leader.
Scoutmaster & Group leader
Counter Signed by District Commissioner(S)
COH certificate for Beginning and Ending the Proficiency Badge
1.       Uses of Camp Tools and making Improvised Shelter
2.       36 hrs service project to community
One Day in Troop Meeting
(Before Vacation)
Photographs/drawings to be pasted.
Total 36 hours Spread over for 2 months- at least one day per week. Separate Log book with supporting documents and photographs of work done.
Submit weekly report to COH.
Signature of SM & Group Leader.
Scoutmaster & Group Leader to sign in the log book
Certificate from Gram Panchayat or Municipality
COH certificate for beginning and ending.
COH certificate for beginning and ending the service project. Also certificate for weekly submission of diary to COH.
36 hrs service project continues
36 hrs service project continues
36 hrs service project continues
36 hrs service project continues
Sustained Community Development project
6 months
Dec-May 2013
Separate Log to be maintained
Signature of Scoutmaster Group Leader and Examiner
Independent Examiner depending upon the project as per syllabus.
COH certificate for beginning and ending the service project.
1.       Knowledge about WOSM website and gain information about Asia Pacific Region
2.       Proficiency Badge 1
Maintain a Log Book with details of WOSM and APR Region.
Sign by SM, Group Leader
Separate Log Book
Signed by SM, Examiner and DC
Scoutmaster & Group Leader in log book.
Certificate by Independent Examiner relevant to the Subject
Countersigned by District Commissioner (S)
COH certificate for beginning and ending.
COH certificate for beginning and ending.
1.       Overnight hike for 10 kms.
2.       Prof Badge 1 continues...
Stay for 1 night compulsorily.
Submit report in separate logbook to Scoutmaster within 10 days.
Signature of SM & Group Leader.
Prof Badge 1 continues...
Scoutmaster & group leader countersigned by District Commissioner (S)
Prof Badge 1 continues...
COH certificate for beginning and ending.
Prof Badge 1 continues...
Learn and understand the positive & negative points of the Technology gadgets from your parents/ teachers/SM
Maintain a Log Book with details. Signature of SM,  Group Leader and Computer Teacher
Certificate by a Computer Teacher counter signed by Group Leader
COH certificate for beginning and ending.
Proficiency Badge 2
Separate Log Book
Signed by SM, Examiner and DC
Certificate by Independent Examiner relevant to the Subject
Countersigned by District Commissioner (S)
COH certificate for beginning and ending.
Prof Badge 2 continues..
Prof Badge 2 continues..
Prof Badge 2 continues..
Prof Badge 2 continues..

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